
  • Why users can trust BOXTradEx? BOXTradEx is committed to being a secure and compliant cryptocurrency exchange platform. The following points help to enhance users' trust in BOXTradEx:

    1. Obtaining an MSB license: BOXTradEx obtained a U.S. MSB license (Money Services Business) in February 2022, indicating that our trading platform meets the regulatory requirements of the U.S. government for cryptocurrency exchanges.

    2. Compliance with AML and KYC requirements: BOXTradEx follows the AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) process requirements of USA Circle, the company that issues USDC stablecoins. This means that we verify the identities of users and monitor trading activities to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities.

    3. Asset freezing mechanism: To prevent illegal or improper trading usage, BOXTradEx activates an asset freezing mechanism when users apply for withdrawals. This helps protect user assets and maintain the smooth operation of the exchange.

    4. Regulatory compliance: Currently, cryptocurrencies and derivatives are subject to AML and KYC regulations, while NFTs are not yet included. Once NFT regulations are introduced, BOXTradEx will quickly comply and apply for the relevant permits to ensure the platform always meets the latest regulatory requirements.

    In summary, BOXTradEx's compliance permits, AML and KYC processes, and adherence to regulations all contribute to building users' trust in our platform. We will continue to work hard to provide a safe and reliable cryptocurrency trading environment for our users.

  • How does BOXTradEx manage security?

    At the BOXTradEx exchange, we are well aware of the importance of asset security. In order to ensure the security of user assets, we have implemented a series of strict measures:

    1. Cold wallet: BOXTradEx assets will be managed hierarchically, and most assets are stored in offline cold wallets to reduce the risk of hacker attacks. Cold wallets are not connected to the internet, providing excellent protection for user assets without exposing them to online threats.

    2. Password security: BOXTradEx uses the most advanced encryption technology to encrypt and store user data. This helps prevent unauthorized access and protect user privacy.

    3. Anti-fraud measures: The exchange adopts a variety of anti-fraud mechanisms to identify and prevent suspicious transaction activities, including but not limited to identity verification, behavior analysis, risk assessment, etc.

    4. Two-factor authentication: To enhance account security, BOXTradEx requires users to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) or OTP verification. This is an extra security step required when users log in and perform sensitive operations.

    5. System security: We continue to upgrade and maintain the platform to ensure system stability and fix potential security vulnerabilities in a timely manner. In addition, BOXTradEx regularly conducts security audits to ensure that the security performance of the platform complies with industry standards. Through these measures, BOXTradEx strives to protect users' assets and data security. However, we also encourage users to strengthen their own security awareness, regularly update passwords, and properly keep important information such as private keys.

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