
  • What are different arithmetic and geometric trading? Grid mode is about distributing the profit of grids in two manners, Arithmetic and Geometric. In Arithmetic mode, the amount of profit generated by each grid is the same. And in Geometric mode, the rate of return generated by each grid is the same.

  • Why are my assets all frozen? Hi users, Your asset is frozen because your coin is in process of trading. Do not be afraid because if you stop trading, your assets will be back to normal situations.

  • How can I use Grid Trading? Is it different from Spot Trading? Hi users, In order to understand how to use Grid Trading, you can check via this video: . Actually, Grid Trading is similar to spot trading,but it has the potential to help you generate more profits.

  • What are Maker and Taker? How is the fee compared to other exchanges? Makers are typically high-frequency trading firms whose business models largely depend on specialized trading strategies designed to capture payments. Takers are usually either large investment firms looking to buy or sell big blocks of stocks or hedge funds making bets on short-term price movement. In order to see the fee clearly, you can go to this website to check for details about the fee in our exchange:

  • What are limit order and market order? What are the differences? The market order is a directive to sell or buy at the best price on the market at that time. Market orders are a safe tactic for the large-cap but are less reliable when trading less liquid investments due to the relatively widespread values.

    A limit order is a directive to sell or buy an asset at a certain price or at a better price. Limit orders will be made only when the price has reached the limit price or lower. Limit orders can be used in conjunction with stop orders to prevent large losses.

  • Is boxtradex future trading platform? No. We are a one stop crypto exchange spot and bot trading (DCA+grid) and NFT Marketplace

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